According to the police, the victim, identified as Ramesh and Randhir, work for one Pradeep Jain, who imports mobile phones and supplies it to local retailers. The two employees collect the cash from Jain's clients.
"The incident happened yesterday when the two after collecting cash from Central Delhi were returning to their office in a car," said a police official.
When they reached near their office in Okhla, four armed men who were traveling on two bikes stopped their car. Two youths got down from the bikes and forced them to alight then from their car on gunpoint. The assailants then robbed off the bag containing money and fled from the spot, he said.
Police is questioning the two employees and examining the CCTV footage of the cameras installed in the area. Police are suspecting the role of an insider in the case as the robbers were aware that the duo would be carrying large amount of cash with them.