As Cosby began his comedy acts, around 30 female protesters stood up from their seats inside the Hamilton Place and removed their coats to show the "We Believe the Women" T-shirts they wore, reported Ace Showbiz.
The women then chanted "we believe the women" repeatedly with some of them blowing whistles. When security guards tried to escort the protesters, the 77-year-old comedian told them, "Stop, stop, let them, let them, stop... Let them have their say."
Some of the audience showed their support for Cosby by saying "we believe the men" and "we love you Bill."
There were also 150 placard-waving protesters outside the venue who were organised by the Woman Abuse Working Group.
On the previous day, hundreds of protesters also gathered outside the venue of Cosby's show at the Bundweiser Gardens in London, Ontario.
At that time, the demonstrators brought some signs and yelled "shame on you" to ticket holders.