Provincial Law Minister Imtiaz Shahid informed the House the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Hindu Disposition of Property Bill, 2014 would be presented in the assembly after removing reservations of the Minister for Religious Affairs Haji Habibur Rehman Khan.
The statement of object and reasons section in the bill says, "It is desirable to amend the Hindu Disposition Act, 1916, as the subject is devolved to the provinces in wake of 18th amendment of the constitution of the Islamic republic of Pakistan."
Under the section titled 'Application of this Act to the Khoja Community', it says that if the Khoja community in the province or any part thereof desires that the provisions of this Act should be extended to such community then the provincial government may, by notification in the official Gazette, do so.
It further states that the provisions of this Act would apply by substituting the word "Khojas" or "Khoja", for the word "Hindus" or "Hindu" wherever applicable.