Senior BJD leader Anup Saiwas on Thursday arrested by Chhattishgarh police from his residence in Jharsuguda in connection to a double murder case registered in the neighbouring state in 2016.The police took Sai into custody on Wednesday night, interrogated him for hours before arresting him on Thursday. He had been sent notice several times to appear before the police in Chhattisgarh during investigation in the murder case of a woman and her 14-year-old daughter in 2016.However, he did not cooperate with the probe and was arrested, sources in the Odisha police said adding that the former MLA has been taken to Chhattisgarh.Following the arrest, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik removed Sai from the chairmanship of the State Warehousing Corporation.Patnaik, the president of the ruling BJD, also expelled him from the primary membership of the party.Sai had joined the BJD in 2014 after switching from the Congress.