Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Bhartruhari Mahtab said the "blasphemous" book written by Heehs has been part of a "malicious design to discredit and defame" thinkers of modern India.
Mahtab, who was supported by some members including from Trinamool Congress and Congress, said there has been "widespread indignation" among devotees of Sri Aurobindo over his biography written by Heehs, which is "full of falsehoods".
Heehs, who is an inmate of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, had spent nearly four decades in India and had recently faced deportation from India. Recently his visa was extended by the Union Home Ministry by one more year from April 15.
Mahtab wondered as to how a person was getting visa despite repeated complaints against him. "We should stop such people from coming to the country", he added.