"I have already served notice to the Rajya Sabha authorities to raise the matter during the Zero Hour. Both Nanda and Mallick should not have been denied the opportunity. This is most unfortunate that there is politics in sports," Rajya Sabha MP and former Indian Hockey captain Dillip Tirkey told a local television channel.
Another BJD MP Bhupinder Singh, a former Odisha sports minister, also wrote to the Union Sports Minister demanding re-test of running of both Nanda and Mallick.
India Grand Prix, an Olympic qualifying event, was held without electricity at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi which led to results being recorded manually. Hand timings are not considered valid for record purposes and hence will not be counted for Olympic qualifications.
Mallick and Nanda were credited with incredible hand-timings of 10.09secs and 11.23 secs to win the men's and women's 100m sprint races. The Rio qualifications norms are 10.16 secs and 11.32 secs.
Both Odisha MPs expressed displeasure over the Sports Authority of India (SAI) and the Delhi State Athletics Association's (DSAA) ways of handling the qualifying events.