The Karnataka BJP Friday accused Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy of sedition and sought action over his remark asking people to "rise in revolt" against the saffron party for its alleged attempts to destabilise the state government.
In its complaint to the state Director General of Police (DGP) Neelamani N Raju, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) alleged that the chief minister had violated section 124(A) (relating to sedition) and other sections of the IPC.
Holding placards and raising slogans against former Prime Minister H D Deve Gowda and his sons, including Kumaraswamy, the BJP staged a protest near the Mysore Bank Circle, the nerve centre of the city, terming the chief minister's remark as a "call for anarchy."
Launching a no-holds-barred attack on state BJP chief B S Yeddyurappa, Kumaraswamy had said: "If you dig too much (into our affairs), then we too have many things at our disposal."