The BJP on Tuesday accused Karnataka Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy, battling a major political crisis threatening his government, of "wasting" the tax payers money to the last second using his position.
As there was delay in Kumaraswamy's presence in the state assembly, debating on the confidence motion moved by him on Friday, the BJP took the Twitter to send him a message.
"Session for #KarnatakaTrustVote has begun. But CM @hd_kumaraswamy is resting at his Taj West end hotel. His message is clear. He will continue to loot & waste tax payers money to the very last second as CM. He & his party will be answerable to Kannadigas very soon," the tweet said.
Kumaraswamy was locked in hectic parleys with Congress' troubleshooter D K Shivakumar and a few others to find a way out of the crisis triggered by resignations by 15 MLAs of ruling coalition - 12 from Congress and three from the JD(S).
Assembly speaker K R Ramesh Kumar Monday night had announced the voting will have to take place by 6 pm Tuesday under any circumstances, saying the proceedings should not be prolonged and he should not be made a "scapegoat."