The chief minister said this after launching the state- level 'Sadasyata Abhiyan 2014-15' in Rohtak. The membership drive is part of a nationwide programme, launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 1.
He said that BJP has set a target to enroll 10 per cent of the total electors in the state as its members, which is 16.5 lakh.
The Chief Minister said anyone could take the primary membership of BJP and no special condition has been laid for becoming a party member.
Khattar said people also having different ideology are becoming members of BJP during this membership drive. "BJP has such values, ideas and conduct that those who become the members of the party will automatically become a part of it," he said.
National Secretary of BJP and in-charge of party affairs in Haryana Anil Jain said more than 8 crore members are to be enrolled throughout the country during the membership drive.