BJP asked the government to come out with facts on Operation Bluestar and sought to know if the action against Sikh militants holed up in Golden Temple was planned on British advice or was any other country also consulted.
"It is about time that the Government of India decided to tell us the truth as to what the real facts were. This would enable the people of India to conclude whether Operation Bluestar was a strategic miscalculation," Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley said.
Following this, British Prime Minister David Cameron today ordered an urgent investigation into the issue.
Punjab's ruling Akali Dal said the involvement of a foreign nation in issues concerning internal security matters has caused a lot of concern to Sikhs.
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Alleging that the 'conspiracy' was hatched in January, 1984, Akali leader Naresh Gujral said, "You invited a foreign country for your internal security matter, India has never done so before."
Lt Gen (retd) Kuldeep Singh Brar, who commanded the army division that carried out Operation Blue Star, claimed the operation was planned and executed by Indian military forces and questioned the veracity of such documents that indicated foreign advice ahead of the action.