In a statement, BJP said a vehicle carrying its activists from a rally was pelted with stones by CPI(M) "goons", causing the driver to lose control, resulting in serious injuries to eight persons.
"It was a well-thought out plan to create terror among people by eliminating BJP activists in that area to bar the flow of common people coming to the party. Eight activists were seriously injured.
Campaigning is on for village council election to be held on February 24.
BJP said this is not for the first time that such an "attack" has occurred. Two years ago, then BJP state party president Sudhindra Dasgupta was attacked by "CPI(M) goons" but no action was taken by the police.
State party chief Biplab Kumar Deb has condemned the "cowardly act" and warned of a statewide agitation if no action was taken by police, it said.