"The previous government struck a deal with gas based power plants in Kashipur to purchase power from them for 35 years at the rate of Rs 4.70 per unit at a time when its rate should have been just Rs 2.74 per unit, causing a loss of Rs 50 crore per month to the state exchequer," state BJP spokesman Vinay Goel told reporters here.
Goel claimed that the recent hike in power tariff in Uttarakhand was necessitated by the need to compensate the losses caused to the state exchequer by the deal inked between Harish Rawat government and the gas based power plants in Kashipur.
Attacking the rival party, he said that its leaders had no moral right to create a fuss over the hike as "it was a result of the misdeeds of its own government".
The spokesperson said that he has drawn the attention of Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat to the huge scam in power purchase who has promised that no one who is guilty would be spared.
The Congress rubbished the charges levelled by the BJP, saying it was part of a smear campaign to defame the previous government.
"It seems the BJP is not serious about its so called fight against corruption. Coming up every other day with the allegation of a scam against the previous government is meant only to defame it. If they have evidence why don't they lodge FIRs against the people involved? " chief spokesman of the Congress in the state Mathuradutt Joshi told