A day after BJP demanded "public apology" from Kejriwal for levelling allegations against Jaitley on the issue, the Chief Minister said in a tweet, "BJP almost begging me for an apology, won't oblige them. Let @arunjaitley be cross-examined in defamation cases.
"No clean chit ever given by any Del govt probe. That report confirmed several instances of wrongdoings but did not fix responsibility," Kejriwal said in another tweet.
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On the Delhi government's inquiry panel into DDCA case, Kejriwal said in another tweet, "It didn't mention ANYONE's name n recommended Enquiry Commission to fix responsibility, which we have done now."
Yesterday, the BJP had demanded "public apology", saying a report of the city government has found no evidence against the finance minister.
Party spokesperson M J Akbar said the DDCA file which Kejriwal made his basis to attack Jaitley over the CBI raid and affairs of the cricket body does not name Jaitley.