A BJP delegation headed by former Chief Minister and Leader of Opposition Jagadish Shettar met the Governor and submitted a memorandum to him, saying they were given to understand that the government has proposed the names to the post of Legislative Council members under Article 171 of the Constitution.
They pointed out that as per the Constitution, members to be nominated are persons having special knowledge or practical experience in literature, science, arts, co-operative movement and social service.
The five persons named are active politicians of the ruling party and were either defeated or were denied party tickets in the previous elections, they said.
The BJP leaders also reminded the Governor that the nomination of V Somanna (BJP) in 2010 was rejected by him on the same grounds.
Terming the government's move as 'unfortunate', they charged it with trying to accommodate persons who were rejected by the people in the hustings.
BJP also alleged that the government was misusing the office of the Governor by undertaking this 'unconstitutional move.