BJP spokesperson G V L Narasimha Rao alleged that George, who has been named as an accused by the CBI in the death of a police official, is a Siddaramaiah's conduit to the top Congress brass.
"So he is helpless in acting against him. Siddaramaiah should tell people what is his compulsion in continuing with a tainted minister facing grave charges and if his hands have been forced by the Congress leadership as George is a major fund-raiser," Rao said.
Rao pointed that it was the Supreme Court which had ordered a CBI probe in the case and said that it reflected the court's lack of faith in the state police's report, which had given the minister a clean chit.
"His continuation in the office would not only prevent a free and fair probe but is also in complete violation of basic political ethics," he said, adding that Ganapathy "had named George as a threat to his life barely one hour before his death".
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