Slamming the Arvind Kejriwal-led government for not furnishing facts before NGT, the state unit of BJP said it will take up the matter before Union Transport Ministry soon.
The BJP leveled charges against the Government after a delegation of small transporters called on its Delhi unit chief Satish Upadhyay today.
"Kejriwal Government's lethargy has led to NGT ban on plying more than 10 years' old diesel vehicles as the government did not submit fact before NGT that SC has already fixed 15 years as life of diesel commercial vehicles in Delhi.
The delegation of transporters reportedly discussed the ban affecting their livelihood and shortage in supply of fruits, vegetables and other essential commodities to the national capital.
The NGT had on April 7 held that all diesel vehicles over 10 years old will not be permitted to ply in Delhi.
Noting that diesel is prime source of air pollution in Delhi, the Tribunal said the situation is so alarming that people have been even advised to leave Delhi due to adverse effects on health.