Union Minister P Chidambaram's son Karti, who is making an electoral debut from his father's bastion Sivaganga constituency, former Union Minister T R Baalu, MDMK founder Vaiko, BJP state president Pon Radhakrishnan nominations have also been accepted, according to Electoral authorities here.
The authorities said, of the 1,318 nomination papers submitted, more than 300, mainly that of independents have been rejected during the scrutiny today.
However, Shankar said the BJP candidate has been asked to file an appeal for consideration and the matter would be decided tomorrow.
The scrutiny of Aam Aadmi Party candidate Rani in Nilgiris was kept in abeyance as she had produced a community certificate issued in 1986 and was given time till tomorrow to produce a fresh one.
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Interestingly, in Chidambaram (SC) constituency, the nomination papers of PMK candidate K I Manirathnam was rejected as it was not supported by required number of proposers but the papers of his wife Sudha Manirathnam, a dummy candidate, was found in order.
Electoral authorities said the process of scrutiny of nominations was still underway and a final picture on how many nominations were rejected would be known by tomorrow.
The last date for withdrawal from contest is April 9.