As soon as Speaker Govind Singh Kunjwal assumed his chair, BJP members led by the Leader of Opposition Ajay Bhatt rose from their seats alleging a Rs 1,000 crore scam in SIDCUL land transactions in Haridwar and Pantnagar to benefit real estate firms.
Shouting anti-government slogans they demanded a CBI probe into the alleged scam, saying the state government was running away from an inquiry as it was aware of the scam in the corporation and was afraid of being exposed.
When Kunjwal's repeated efforts to restore peace in the House went in vain, he adjourned it till 12.30 PM.
However, when the House reassembled after the adjournment, BJP members led by Bhatt rushed into the Well insisting on a CBI inquiry into the scam prompting the Speaker to adjourn it once again till 4 PM.
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Ever since the start of the state Assembly's budget session, it has been witness to regular disruptions by BJP MLAs over SIDCUL land scam issue.
"It is unfortunate that precious time of the Assembly is being wasted by the opposition. It should have utilised this time to raise issues of public interest in the House," he said, adding that the opposition is running way from its responsibility.