The Uttarakhand unit of the BJP has enrolled 10.77 lakh new members in the hill-state against a target of 10 lakh during the party's ongoing membership drive, a leader said on Monday.
The announcement was made during a meeting chaired by BJP's national vice president Shyam Jaju to review the party's ongoing membership drive, Uttarakhand BJP media in-charge Devendra Bhasin said.
A total of 60,000 new members were added in Dehradun district, 70,000 in Dehradun city and 80,000 in Haridwar, the meeting was told.
Another 650 active members were enrolled in Dehradun district, 450 in Dehradun city and 1200 in Haridwar. The BJP has set a target of adding 14,000 active members in the state.
Jaju asked party workers to speed up the drive to add new members while keeping in mind the September 11 deadline when the organisational polls will kick off.