BJP general secretary Ananth Kumar said BJP was in favour of the separate state while Congress was adopting "double standards" on it. "We demand that they bring a Bill on Telangana formation. We are ready to pass it," he said.
Kumar said if Congress was sincere towards Telangana formation, they should have brought the Bill in the budget session and the matter would have been settled in this session.
The opposition party also accused Congress of obstructing Parliament's functioning and running away from a public debate in the House on price rise, the current economic situation and the falling value of rupee, besides that on the missing files in coal blocks allocation scam and Robert Vadra's investments.
He charged Congress is trying to hide its infirmities, shortcomings and inaction on these issues and it is responsible for stalling Parliament so far.
"Congress and UPA government are responsible for obstructing Parliament. We did not obstruct Parliament. It is UPA and Congress government which has obstructed Parliament," Ananth Kumar said.