Senior Bihar BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi also demanded registration of FIR in the alleged irregularities in Maulana Mazharul Haque Arabic & Persian University, Patna and Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna.
"Merely carrying out a probe into the irregularities committed in these institutions will not serve any purpose. So the state government should initiate action by lodging FIR in the irregularities of Agriculture University, Arabic & Persian University and Sanskrit Shiksha Board on the lines of toppers scandal," Sushil said.
He alleged that the candidates who ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd were made ineligible for the appointment as they were given 0.1 to 0.5 marks out of 10 each in interview and presentation whereas those who had "very very poor" academic performance were selected as the interview board gave 10 out of 10 marks each in interview and power presentation.
The BJP leader alleged that presentation was not made by
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He further alleged that the Agriculture University conducted interviews for all subjects such as plant pathology, entomology, nematology, agriculture zoology with one expert Dr D Prasad who was an expert for plant pathology.
The University appointed Dr R B Verma, who was working as Recruitment Officer in the University, in the interview board which cleared the selection of his (Verma's) son Vijay Kumar as junior scientist, horticulture college, Noorsarai while his son-in-law Rahul Kumar was appointed in Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Lakhisarai, he said.
Similarly, Mewalal Choudhary, the then VC, appointed Dr C Prasad as expert for Agriculture Extension subject. Choudhary was the brother-in-law of Dr C Prasad.
The University had come out with an advertisement for filling up 281 posts of Asst Professor-cum-Junior Scientist against which about 175 posts were filled, the process for which continued till 2013, he said.