Delhi BJP General Secretary Shikha Rai proposed the resolution, which was seconded by MLA Jai Bhagwan Aggarwal, at a meeting convened to discuss the prevailing situation in the capital and party's strategy for the coming assembly polls.
The party also passed a resolution slamming Delhi government for not being able to control prices of vegetables which have increased of 100-150 per cent.
BJP also demanded a high level probe into the alleged "fraud" committed by Education Department of Delhi government in Delhi government schools resulting in complete collapse of education system in these schools.
"The Congress government has ruined the capital of the country during last 15 years and people are desperate for change. The common man is looking towards the BJP to set things rights. That brings us greater responsibility," said Delhi BJP President Vijay Goel.
Goel said that the commonman was suffering in Congress regime with inflation, corruption, lack of water, high power tariffs and poor law and order situation in Delhi.
Education, public transport, health services, basic utilities like sewage were all in mess, he alleged.