The results of 702 of the 743 wards have been declared so far while that of Golaghat and Silchar was yet to come in, Assam State Election Commissioner H N Bora told PTI here.
The BJP won in 340 wards followed by Congress winning 232, AGP-39, AIUDF-8, NCP-4, BPF and CPM with one each while independents captured 77 wards.
Out of the 74 municipal boards and committees, BJP got a majority in 30 bodies, Congress in 17, AGP in two, NCP in one while there was a tie between two parties in four and no majority in ten bodies, he said.
Repoll was held in a booth of Ward No-2 in Hojai municipality following complaints regarding anomalies in ballot papers by the candidates.
Election was adjourned in three wards under Demow town committee following a Gauhati High Court order.
The Congress had swept the urban body polls in 2009, winning 400-plus wards with the AGP and the BJP finishing a distant second and third respectively.