Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh and his cabinet colleagues are involved in several instances of corruption and conspiracy, BJP alleged in its 28-page "charge-sheet" submitted to Governor Urmilla Singh here.
The government has set a new record of corruption in its very first year and there is "no government worth the name" in the state, the opposition party said, demanding a CBI probe into the charges of corruption and irregularities.
The "charge-sheet" mentioned alleged acts of "omission and commission" by all ministers, particularly the Chief Minister, Transport Minister G S Bali, Forest Minister Thakur Singh Bharmauri, and Industries Minister Mukesh Agnihotri. They also accused senior Congress leaders of murky land deals.
The BJP described the government as a "government of contractors", and alleged that contractors and mafias were controlling the government and Congress leaders were making money through awarding of tenders to select people.
Accusing Horticulture Minister Vidya Stokes of procuring sub-standard pipes, the BJP alleged that firms listed for purchase did not fall among "A" grade companies and the pipe fittings procured by the department were not up to the mark.
A 100-member delegation, led by leader of the opposition P K Dhumal and state party chief Satpal Singh Satti, presented the "charge-sheet" to the Governor.