The BJP's disciplinary committee expelled five party leaders namely Rajinder Pal Singh Bhatia, Ganesh Ram Bhagat, Vimal Chopda, Balmukund Dewangan and Shivcharan Cherwa, from its primary membership for a period of six years, a party spokesperson said here.
Tribal leader Ganesh Ram Bhagat, who was a minister in Raman Singh's BJP government in Chhattisgarh from 2003 to 2008, jumped into the poll fray from Jashpur (ST) constituency, contesting as an independent candidate.
Youth leader and former Mahasamund Nagarpalika Chairman Vimal Chopda too is contesting as an independent from the Mahasamund seat, while Rajinder Pal Singh Bhatia is the BJP rebel candidate from Khujji constituency in Rajnandgaon district.