BJP state president Laxmikant Bajpai, in a letter to the Commission, expressed apprehensions of large scale disturbance by ruling Samajwadi Party during polls tomorrow in which SP president Mulayam Singh Yadav is also contesting the Lok Sabha elections from Azamgarh.
He said complaints of booth capturing have surfaced during last few phases of the election, it has become necessary that the Commission deploys Central forces in large numbers at each booth.
BSP supremo Mayawati had also demanded deployment of Central forces during the last leg of the elections. She had said that all the outsiders residing in Varanasi, where BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is contesting, should be moved out of the constituency.
Polling for 18 seats in the crucial last phase of Lok Sabha polls in eastern Uttar Pradesh, to decide the fate of 328 candidates, including Modi, AAP's Arvind Kejriwal and SP supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav will be held tomorrow.