"The BJP leadership has utterly failed to deliver on the promises it had made with the people of the state prior to the Assembly elections," the former minister and senior vice president of state Congress unit, Sham Lal Sharma, said.
He said that the main motive of the BJP is to mislead the people of Jammu so as to divert their attention from the real issues of public interest.
BJP, whom people of Jammu have voted to power, should not shift its responsibility, but concentrate on the fulfilment of their electoral promises, Sharma alleged.
"We demand adequate compensation and relief for the people who are suffering due to firing on the border," Sharma said.
While accusing the Narendra Modi-led government in the Centre, Sharma said the Central government has 'miserably failed' to address the issue of border firing.
"The incidents of cross border firing have increased after Narendra Modi took over as Prime Minister," he said.