Taking on Narendra Modi, Gandhi had yesterday accused him of trying to "show off" as if everything has been done only after his government came to power and asked the Prime Minister what happened to his promise of bringing back the black money stashed abroad.
Reacting to Gandhi's attack, Union Minister and BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad said, "I am pained to say that even after remaining out of power, Soniaji speech writers don't do home work. That is why she speaks sometime such things. She will realise her mistakes if she sees it in a mirror."
Making a comparison between the present government and the previous Congress regime, he said Sonia's government was only "making tall claims while Modi's government is working government where decisions were made and implemented."
Prasad further claimed that the Congress PM was a weak one while BJP has given a strong PM to the country.
"India today has a towering leader, a powerful PM whose voice is heard not only in the country but in the entire world over with respect and admiration because of his track record of governance," he said.