Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis launched the 'chariots' at his official residence, 'Varsha', in south Mumbai. These chariots, which are suitably modified vans, will show films on developmental work of the Fadnavis government.
'Vikas Raths' will help propagate BJP-led government's initiatives during the last two years among people, Mumbai BJP president Ashish Shelar said.
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"As far as development is concerned, we won't budge even an inch. We won't retreat from the path of development," Shelar said.
Project-affected farmers from Shahapur, Kalyan and Bhivandi tehsils met Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray seeking changes in 712-km highway project, worth Rs 30,000 crore. Thackeray offered his party's support to them, though Sena is a part of the government.