Senior BJP leaders including Sushil Kumar Modi, Nand Kishore Yadav and Bihar party chief Mangal Pandey attended a function of 'Goswamis' here today.
The Bihar BJP is all set to launch a membership drive from Monday in which new members who registered themselves with the saffron party online would be asked to fill membership form having a column on caste.
This comes against the backdrop of Modi asking the people of Bihar to rise above caste considerations and support the most virtuous yesterday.
Bihar BJP chief Mangal Pandey, however, told reporters that the membership form having column of caste was an old practice to "prepare complete profile of the new member."
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"We wish to maintain record of complete profile of our members with the state headquarters and that is why comprehensive information is sought," he said.
Out of about 1.1 crore new members enrolled in BJP across the country, Bihar contributed 95 lakh in the online drive launched by the Prime Minister and party chief Amit Shah.
Union minister Ravishankar Prasad had recently graced a function here to eulogies legendary king Ashoka whom the organisers claimed was of OBC Kushwaha caste.