The BJP suffered a setback on Friday when two of its corporators extended support to the Congress in the election for Mayor of the Latur Municipal Corporation (LMC), helping the latter to win the post.
Congress corporator Vikrant Gojamgunde was elected as the new Mayor of Latur city in central Maharashtra after two BJP corporators extended support to him.
The support from the two BJP corporators - Chandrakant Birajdar and Geeta Gaud - helped the Congress to reach the majority mark of 35 in the 70-member civic corporation.
Sixty-nine corporators took part in the voting, while one seat is vacant and the majority mark to win the post was 35.
The BJP, with 36 seats, is the single largest party followed by the Congress (33).
Birajdar and Gaud of the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) did not vote for BJP candidate Shailesh Gojamgunde and instead extended support to Vikrant Gojamgunde.
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Interestingly, Birajdar was elected as the Deputy Mayor with the Congress support.
"We fought the election as it's part of democracy. We didnt run behind the magic figure. Restlessness and fretting amongst BJP members led these two BJP members to support the Congress," Moiz Shaikh, Latur city district president of the Congress told PTI.
"We also supported Chandrakant Birajdar and Congress corporators cast their vote in his favour to make him Deputy Mayor of Latur," Shaikh said.