The Congress on Monday accused the BJP of making a "mockery" of democracy and insulting it by its attempts to engineer defections in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi said instead of dealing with the pressing issues of unemployment, coronavirus outbreak, productivity and lack of investment, the BJP is busy deciding on which government to topple by "illegal and unfair" means.
"That is the priority number one on their agenda," he said, adding they have made a "mockery of the democracy".
"This country has never seen that naked a dance for power, as far as the BJP's insatiable appetites for hogging political power through dubious illegal means is concerned," he said.
Singhvi said, "They rely on naked horse trading. Please ask yourself the question, why is it suddenly during the Rajya Sabha elections that you hear these reports of Gujarat MLAs...
"Is this the democracy, you can win and lose, but such petty politics and worst inducements, the worst political distortion, the worst blackmail, the worst threats, the worst deprivation of liberty and confinement!"