The BJP members, who had served the notice against Singh, were on their legs as soon as the session started and wanted the Speaker to take action on the notice and refer the matter to Privilege committee.
BJP member Jai Ram urged Speaker B B L Butail to give his ruling on the motion pertaining to reported remarks of the Chief Minister, calling BJP MLAs as "bonded labourers" and said the remarks were recorded by electronic media.
When BJP leader urged the Speaker to give his ruling on this issue first before proceeding with Question Hour, Sanjay Rattan (Congress) intervened and said Congress members have also given a notice of breach of privilege against the BJP members for coming to the House with aprons with caricatures and raising slogans which was against the norms, rules and convention.
The Speaker said he had got the notice of breach of privilege against the Chief Minister by BJP members and he has asked the Assembly Secretary to verify the details.
Butail said he had received the notice from some Congress members as well against BJP members for violating norms by wearing aprons in the house and disrupting assembly proceedings time and again.
"The matter is under consideration. I will take action after verification," he said.