BJP MP and actor Kirron Kher on Sunday sought to take on those who criticize her on social media over her alleged absence from here during the COVID-19 outbreak and said she was very much in the city and ensuring essential items to the needy.
In a video clip shared on her Twitter handle, Kher said she was being constantly targeted by certain people who write against her on social media.
She said she does not like to get a photo of her distributing food clicked and said her first priority is that poor people get food and ration in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.
"I have been thinking for the past several days that those who are writing on social media saying where is Kirron Kher, they will come to know that I am here only," she said in a video message.
"I have been here from the day one in Chandigarh and everybody should have known that I am here. Everybody knows in the (city) administration," she said.
"First of all I want to say that it is not right to do politics at a time of the coronavirus outbreak in the world," she said.
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"We are all trying our best that you (people) get all essential items which you need, especially those who are poor and who are in need of ration and food. Despite that some people were gossiping around on social media and are targeting me and writing a lot about me, she said.
"I want to say that it is not necessary to show presence. It is a lockdown. It means you have to stay indoors, she said.
She said 'langars' were being run with the support of NGOs and other organisations for the needy.
"Those who are just criticizing me while sitting home should comeforwardand give donations for langar, said Kher, who is a two-time BJP MP from Chandigarh.
She said she had been in touch with the Governor, Adviser and Deputy Commissioner.
"If I go out and get my pictures of distributing food clicked what does that mean? It is more important that food should reach (needy ones)," she said.