Raising the matter during Zero Hour, Rajiv Pratap Rudy said, "Unemployment in the country is growing, poverty is growing, violence is growing...This is a big question on the functionality of government of this country. Situation is very bad, you need to address it."
Rudy said it is shocking that as per the National Sample Survey Organisation's (NSSO) report, employment generation has declined to two million during 2005-10 in comparison to 60 million in 2000-05.
This rapid decline in employment some how failed to catch the attention of the people, he said adding that what was worrisome was "casual employment exceeded regular jobs."
He said even C Rangarajan, former RBI Governor and Chairman, Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council, in an article in the prestigious Economic and Political Weekly wrote, "The 66th round results do leave us with an unanswered question: How do we explain a decline in the labour force in a period where both population and GDP were growing strongly."
He also drew attention of the House towards increase in violence and change in trend of number of people killed by terrorists and extremists.
"The number of people killed in terrorist incidents in 2001 was 5001 whereas those killed by Naxals stood at 500...In 2011, 500 people were killed in terrorist violence whereas 4,000 people were killed by Naxals," he said terming the trend as "dangerous".