However, JD(U) MP and spokesperson K C Tyagi, who along with D Raja of CPI and Mohammad Salim of CPI-M, D P Tripathi of NCP and RJD's Manoj Jha went to the western UP town, said the area was hit by poor law and order, forcing many families to leave over the years.
BJP national secretary Shrikant Sharma, however, insisted that the party had from day one called it a law and order problem and not linked the migration to any religion.
Taking a swipe at JD(U) and RJD, he said they should rather concentrate on Bihar which, he alleged, suffered from "crumbling" law and order situation.
"We are not objecting to their visit. But the delegation of these parties has gone there to vitiate the atmosphere there. JD(U) and RJD could not run Bihar and are now visiting UP to vitiate the atmosphere there," he said.