BJP's state unit vice president Onkar Singh Lakhawat and senior MP Bhupendra Singh Yadav will examine facts and take feedback from party workers before preparing a final report against Manvendra, who has been attending his father and rebel candidate Jaswant Singh's election meetings against the party's official nominee.
"Since morning there are a number of complaints against Manvendra Singh, a party legislator from Shiv constituency, for attending his father's poll campaign in the Barmer constituency," Lakhawat told PTI over phone.
"We are examining more facts and figures and we will arrive Jaipur tomorrow to take up the matter further with the party functionaries with a report," he said.
Yesterday, BJP's Rajasthan unit had asked Manvendra to quit the party on the moral grounds or face disciplinary action as he was actively supporting his father against BJP's official candidate Sona Ram.
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"Besides the legislator's alleged indiscipline, some party
workers also complained that people from neighbouring Pakistan and those who live in Barmer border district are active in this year's Lok Sabha polls here," Lakhawat said.