"The hundred days of the BJP-PDP government have proved that it has created more controversies, problems and issues rather than solving any problem or resolving any issue", Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) president Ghulam Ahmed Mir said.
"This government created more uncalled for and avoidable controversies than settling the existing ones and created more wedge between different sections and regions than bridging the gaps.
The JKPCC chief said the coalition partners stood exposed within a very short span of time and people were feeling cheated by the false propaganda and politics of lies and exploitation.
Mir said his party would continue to effectively play its role to hold the coalition accountable for its poll promises and to make it deliver on them even as he exhorted party workers to be identified as "messengers of peace."
JKPCC chief castigated the opportunist and unethical politics of BJP and PDP who have no commitment to their own principles and ideologies and displayed utter lust for power when they entered into an alliance.
Describing the PDP-BJP coalition as an alliance of "strange partners" having opposite agendas except power which, he said, was their only common goal.