Addressing a religious gathering at Hiranagar in Kathua district today, Singh added, "Care has been taken to ensure equitable developmental of all three regions of the state."
Singh said during a short span of four months, endeavor has been made to provide a hassle-free government approachable to all sections of society irrespective of caste, creed, religion and region.
"Our government is working for the benefits of common man" Singh said.
He said corrupt and tainted officials have been shunted out of the government and it would be a continuous process. He also asked people to pro-actively involve themselves in the process so that menace of corruption is eradicated completely.
He said government is also making efforts to invite corporate sector to invest in Jammu and Kashmir which will also help generate employment opportunities.
Singh said keeping in view the sentiments of people, government has exempted Amarnath Bhandara material from toll tax which was a long pending demand of 'langar' organizations.