During the demonstration placards were shown and slogans shouted against the state government, following which the BJP leaders handed a letter to Chief Minister Harish Rawat asking him to address issues of immediate concern facing the state, such as the appointment of Pantnagar University VC without further delay and improving the law and order situation.
The letter signed by nearly two dozen state BJP leaders, including former MLA Trivendra Singh Rawat, Dhan Singh Rawat, MLA Ganesh Joshi, Umesh Aggrawal and Urbadutt Bhatt, attributed the delay in appointment of the Vice Chancellor to the "idleness of the state government".
Noting that non-appointment of the VC had led to a deterioration in the educational standards of the varsity, the opposition party leaders requested the chief minister to make a suitable appointment to the post without further delay.
Alleging that the law and order situation had touched an all time low in the state with rise in criminal incidents like loot, murder and suicides, the BJP leaders opined that it had hurt the image of the state known earlier for the simplicity of its people.
They also complained of non-availability of medicines and doctors at health facilities in the state and urged the chief minister to immediately do something about it in public interest.
However, rubbishing the charges, Harish Rawat's media incharge Surendra Kumar said the demonstration was unnecessary and reflected the BJP's frustration at measures taken by the state government for public welfare.