"The ads have been dropped, but that is a scheduled action and has nothing to do with criticism or ridicule they attracted," Maharashtra state BJP spokesperson Keshav Upadhye told PTI here today.
"The advertisements highlight misdeeds of the corrupt Congress-NCP regime in Maharashtra during the last 15 years. The next phase of our advertisements will be about a positive side, depicting what the BJP intends to do after coming to power in Maharashtra," Upadhye said.
Around two weeks ago, television and radio advertisements were released by the BJP, with actors portraying people from various areas in Maharashtra voicing grievances about the state of roads and water supply.
After the campaign began, jokes began circulating on WhatsApp and Twitter.
A WhatsApp message in Marathi which did the rounds this week, when translated, says, "Do not stand in Gujarat and ask where Maharashtra is. Stand on the Sahyadri mountains and then you will see it. Do not eat dhoklas (Gujarati delicacy) and ask where Maharashtra is."