Antarrashtriya Hindu Parishad chief Pravin Togadia Monday accused the BJP and the RSS of betraying Hindus, saying that instead of building a Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, they were now preparing to build a mosque here.
The former international working president of the Vishva Hindu Parishad claimed the BJP and the RSS were now busy appeasing Muslims, whom, he said, the RSS brought to Ayodhya to perform 'wazu' (ablutions) with the Saryu water and offer namaaz on its bank.
Togadia made the allegations while addressing over 2,000 of his followers on the bank of Saryu after holding an oath-taking ceremony with them to build a Ram temple in Ayodhya.
Accusing the BJP-led Modi government in the Centre of suppressing the Hindus' voice, Togadia urged his followers to launch a movement to elect a Hindus' government in the upcoming 2019 next general elections.
"In fifteen Hindu 'dharam sansads' since 1984, unanimous resolutions have been passed that the BJP would get a law enacted to build a Lord Rama temple on getting a clear majority, but they have betrayed all 'dharam sansads' and decided to wait and obey the court verdict now," he said.
Togadia said he along with his followers would perform a 'parikrama' of the make-shift Ram temple Tuesday morning and hold a public meeting to announce who the Hindus should vote in the next election.