The Haryana BJP's state election committee helda meeting to screen prospective candidates for the next month's assembly polls.The meeting was held at Delhi on Sunday evening, party's state unit president Subhash Barala told reporters on Monday."The meeting of the state election committee of the party was held. Detailed discussion was held pertaining to current political environment in the state, from the BJP's and opposition's perspective," he said.A discussion was also held on the candidates who will fight the polls, he said."We have received a large number of applications of ticket seekers. When there are so many aspirants, to finalise (shortlist candidates) is a challenge, but we have been doing our homework. We will shortly sit and have a meeting with our central leadership and the parliamentary board," Barala said.Haryana goes to polls on October 21.Amid reports that relatives of some incumbent MPs from the state were among the ticket aspirants, a state unit leader said the BJP was unlikely to allocate tickets to them.He said, however, an exception may be made in case of Prem Lata, as she is a sitting MLA.Lata is wife of former Union Minister Birender Singh, who is a Rajya Sabha MP. Her son Brijendra Singh was elected MP from the Hisar Lok Sabha seat this year.The BJP, which had for the first time formed a government in Haryana on its own in 2014, has set a target of winning at least 75 seats in the 90-member Assembly.Chief Minister M L Khattar has said the BJP is "strong on all 90 seats" and will finalise its candidates over the next few days.However, finalising candidates for the BJP may be an uphill task this time as it faces a number of problems, with several leaders from the INLD also joining the saffron party."Prospective candidates may be many, but in the end only 90 are going to get tickets," Khattar said here recently.Three OSDs and as many advisors to Khattar have tendered their resignations to enable them to campaign for the party in the upcoming polls.All the six had submitted their resignations between September 18 and 20 before the Model Code of Conduct came into effect, according to an official statement.The chief minister had accepted their resignation with immediate effect before the elections were announced, it said.Those who had resigned include Principal OSD to the chief minister, Neeraj Daftuvar and OSDs Bhupeshwar Dayal and Amrinder Singh.Media advisors Rajiv Jain and Amit Arya and political advisor to the chief minister, Deepak Mangla have also resigned.