Taking on Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal, BJP has decided to ask him five questions on a daily basis till February 5, the last day of electioneering, aimed at exposing his "lies" in the run up to Delhi Assembly poll.
According to BJP, the party has made a strategy under the leadership of president Amit Shah to garner support of the people and one of its plans is to "expose" the AAP leader by posing a bunch of question every day.
Addressing a press conference here, BJP MP Rajiv Pratap Rudy said that in a review's meeting chaired by Shah today, it was decided that party will ask the questions to the former chief minister daily.
"In its first set of questions, BJP wants to know why Aam Aadmi Party took Congress' support despite vowing not to do so. Our second question is why did his government not register any case against former CM Sheila Dikshit during the their 49-day ruling ?" Rudy told reporters here.
He also said that before the last Assembly elections, he claimed that he had sufficient documents against Dikshit and why he has not put these documents in public domain so far ?
The party's third question is that why did Kejriwal take Z security despite having promised that he would not take security after he became chief minister of Delhi.
"Kejriwal went to take oath (as CM) travelling in metro and claimed that he would only travel in simple car..Then why he used SUVs for his work?. Our fifth question is why did he travel in a private jet, which was against his principles? Kejriwal even goes to Dubai in business class to collect donations," the BJP MP also said.
He said that the AAP leader should answer BJP's questions because the people of Delhi also wanted to know about these facts.
Asked about the strategy change, Rudy said "we are not feeling the pressure. The campaign is on...People of Delhi would certainly like to have a BJP government in Delhi to partner the government at the Centre."
Delhi has been divided into 14 districts by Team Shah for this campaign. Efforts to reach out to voters have been intensified on the lines of Shah's UP campaign.