Speaking at a public rally in Jammu's Raipur belt, JKNPP Chairman Harsh Dev Singh said people of the region had high expectations from the BJP but have been left disappointed by the saffron party's "highly timid" and "nonchalant" approach towards their issues as well as concerns of unemployed youth.
"BJP's pre-poll pledges have turned into post-poll somersaults. Thus, belying all hopes and aspirations of the Jammu people," Singh, a former J&K minister, said.
"JKNPP shall continue to fight against the BJP-PDP coalition for AIIMS in Jammu, issues of west Pakistan refugees, artificial lake project, new recruitment policy besides other areas of neglect," he said.
Also speaking at the rally, state Youth JKNPP President Yash Paul Kundal claimed that the coalition government's Common Minimum Programme had nothing to offer to the people of Jammu region. "The cleverly drafted agenda of the alliance has nothing for Jammu region while incorporating the entire agenda of PDP," he alleged.