Addressing a group of teachers in Sultanpur last night, the BJP candidate from the Lok Sabha seat said Rahul is doing good work through his self-help groups for ameliorating the status of women in his parliamentary constituency Amethi and added that he would like to do the same in the district.
Asked to respond to Varun's remarks, Rahul, who was in Rae Bareli to accompany his mother Sonia Gandhi who filed her nomination papers, said "Varun sahi kah rahe hain" (What Varun is saying is right).
"I am very happy that others are appreciating the work being done in Amethi. (We are) doing (work) as per a strategy... Connecting farmers to the world. (We) will continue to work in the field of agriculture, education," Rahul said.
On the impact BJP candidate Smriti Irani could have in the contest to Amethi Lok Sabha seat, Rahul said "it is for the people of Amethi to respond".