"The UP government, represented by the Principal Secretary (Home), and the Samajwadi Party, represented by its chief (Mulayam), should be pulled up for the condition through which those people (riots victims) are going," BJP's national spokesperson Nirmla Sitharaman told reporters in Jammu today.
Replying to a question on the remarks of UP Principal Secretary (Home) A K Gupta that no one dies due to cold, she said, "While the Principal Secretary's comments is known to be insensitive, I will link it to the comments the SP chief had made."
"The Principal Secretary and the SP chief are speaking the same language. They are completely insensitive," She said.
The BJP spokesperson also took a dig at rights activists, and asked, "Where are the pseudo-secularists and rights activists who should actually be going to Muzaffarnagar camps and questioning the Samajwadi Party about gross neglect of human rights."
In Delhi, BJP leader Prakash Javadekar said that instead of accepting their fault and making a correction, the authorities in Uttar Pradesh were blaming others and making most insensitive comments.
"When the administration becomes insensitive, this is what then comes out," he said.