BJP, CPI(M) and Independent legislators said, the ruling Congress should not get the Bill passed in a hurry and demanded it be sent for seeking "opinion", but chairman Surendra Singh Jadawat moved on with the proceedings, prompting opposition members to walkout from the House.
The statement of objects and reasons mentioned in the Bill was baseless and fabricated without any existence of infrastructure for the new university in Jodhpur, Deputy Leader of Opposition G S Tiwari said.
Leader of Opposition G C Kataria (BJP) alleged the Congress government was sidestepping rules and regulations to pass the Bill to appease a particular community ahead of the Assembly polls.
CPI(M) leader Amraram demanded that this university be set up in bordering districts of Jaisalmer or Barmer.
Independent MLA Ranveer Pahalwan condemned the government for its move to pass Bills for setting up dozens of university in the brief session of the House, saying education standard of colleges and universities had been going down.