BJP, which had yesterday released a sting video accusing Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat of corruption, followed it up today training its guns on Singh, saying it would continue with its "instalments" against the opposition party leaders.
The charges raked up by the BJP today were first levelled against Singh during the Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections in 2012 and the party leaders today quoted from probe document to claim that the charges against him stand "proved" and demanded his resignation.
In Shimla, Singh said all the BJP allegations against him are "politically motivated and false".
"I have been hearing these allegations for the last two years, All the matters are in court. First, a CBI inquiry was held against me and the agency has given clean chit and said no criminality has been found. Now, again a second CBI inquiry is being instituted against me.
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"I am prepared for it and ready for any inquiry. All the matters pertain mostly to Income Tax returns filed by me and my family by cheque. I paid every pie of it along with interest," he said.
"Rahul Gandhi ji, Sonia Gandhi ji please explain... Is it quid pro quo or not? It is clear case of bribery... Will you ask Singh to resign?" Prasad joined by party spokesperson M J Akbar and Himachal in-charge Shrikant Sharma said.
His son Vikramaditya Singh and daughter Aparajita purchased the property in Mehrauli through their company Maple Destination and Dream Build Pvt Ltd for Rs 6.61 crore.
"The BJP is desperately trying to divert the attention of media and people from the questionable conduct of their leaders for which they have no answer," the veteran Congress leader said.
A CBI inquiry is also on against Singh in the case.