BJP MP Avinash Rai Khanna announced that the step was "a part of a positive campaign focusing on solutions of the vexed problem without accusing anyone."
Under the campaign, over one lakh pamphlets will be distributed next month among people, including parents and civil society members, which will describe how to identify the symptoms of drugs addiction and behavioural changes among drug users, the party's National vice-president said.
Khanna, who was accompanied by BJP leader Vijay Sampla, said drug users often try to conceal their symptoms and downplay their problem.
"The challenge for parents is to distinguish between normal, often volatile, ups and downs of the teen years. A timely intervention can save a life," Khanna said.
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He said as many as 17 anti-drug programmes have already been organised since January 2015 this year at different places across the state.
Earlier, Khanna had urged Punjab government to regulate the sale of liquor at vends across the state in a bid to restrict its availability and 'uninhibited' flow.
The Rajya Sabha MP said drug problem should not be seen through the prism of politics, saying some issues are social in nature.
"We should not blame anybody for drug problem and at the same time, we should also not shirk from our responsibility of curbing this menace," said Khanna.
He also praised the state government for its efforts on heavy seizure of narcotics and drugs under its campaign against drug peddlers.